I have been waiting along time to post this blog and video, but I think its now time with Easter this upcoming Sunday. What an amazing time of year that we can all thinkg about the resurrection. If you sit back and think about it, it really is the greatest miracle and most important thing in the history of the world. Its something as humans that we cant comprehend and understand how it was possible. How it was possible for a single man to take upon him the sins of the entire world. I hope this Easter season that we dont just think about the resurrection. It is amazing and definitely deserves thought, but also think about the personal sacrifice for YOU. Nobody else in this world but you. He understands and he went through it all so that we dont have to. Just as the video at the end says "He stood utterly alone" and he did that so we dont have to. He paid the price for us, now we just have to come unto him. His arms are stretched out if we will just go. I just want to share my testimony with you all that I personally have about our Savior Jesus Christ. I truly know with all my heart that he is the son of God. That he came to this earth for one reason and that was to die for us. I know that is the living Messiah. He is closer to you and me then we could ever know. How much in our lives do we think of him? How much do we learn of him? If it weren't for him not one of us would be here today. Learn about him, follow him, and be like him. President Christianson says "Learning about him, his life, his miracles and all he did is the greatest thing in the world besides coming to know him" Not just knowing what he did, but knowing him personally. It is possible for every single one of us. I know that with all my heart becasue I have come to know him thorugh using his atonement. Repenting of my sins and trying my best to be like him. He is real and he is there for us. I love him with all my heart and I hope we can all remember and as Elder Holland says in this video "rededicate our lives" to him. Please please go watch this video from Elder Holland!!! Its amazing!
Love this post. Elder Holland is so amazing. I'm so grateful for the Atonement that Christ made for each and every one of us. You're right we need to think of him more often and realize that nothing in the world would be the same if he didn't drink the bitter cup. I love Easter time so that we can be reminded if we have forgotten the amazing things that Christ went through so that we could live again one day.