Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What's really important in life!

So many people every single day ask me what I am doing in Rochester, New York. They say "You play division 1 football, have a girlfriend, a truck, and you really left all that?" I say "Yes and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." When I first decided to go on a mission I never thought it would be what it is. I never thought it would change my life how it has. One of the greatest lessons that i have learned on my mission though is what is really important in life. Before the mission Football was my life. It was everything to me and other then that it was living weekend to weekend. But now that I have been out in the field for a while I have really come to find out and know for myself that The Gospel of Jesus Christ truly is the most important thing in our lives. My mission president suffered a mild heart attack this past weekend and he was very close to death. He was talking to my companion and I and telling us at that point he realized more then ever what is important as well. He said "The Gospel and Families" because everything else doesn't mean jack after this life and those are the two things you take with you.

 Im sure many of you know who Tyler Haws is and if not at least heard of him. Take a look at this video and see how besides being a basketball star and doing everything he does, he still puts the gospel first and right now is serving in the Phillipines. I think he is a great example of this. https://lds.org/youth/video/a-work-in-progress?lang=eng&query=tyler+haws I hope you all enjoy that and see what I mean. I just want you all to know that this mission really has taught me what is imoortant in life. Everything else we do is great and we need to enjoy it, but when it really comes down to it lets all focus on what really really matters and will for eternities. I know this to be true and I know that if we can all find this out for ourselves it can help us so much in our lives.

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